Treat Yourself: The Gift Of Self Care

Our self care mission this season is to put our phones on airplane mode and take a well-deserved moment to simply be present and reflect. Everyone approaches self care differently. Some people enjoy exercise, like a long walk with a good podcast. Others would opt for a luxurious bubble bath and a glass of wine. For our team at Ampersand Living, one of the best ways to get in some quality me-time is curling up in a comfy spot with our favorite reading and writing materials! 

Here are our top 7 picks for this season. Whether you’ve made it your 2022 resolution to show yourself a little more love, or you’re looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the self care aficionado in your life, we’ve got you covered: 

Gratitude Journal 

Gratitude is actually something that you can practice! And research even tells us that when you take the time each day to cultivate a feeling of thankfulness, you will be happier, more satisfied, and more inspired to conquer every day. 

This lux gratitude journal has an incredibly soft cover in elegant colors that will fit right in with your nightstand decor. Beautiful inside and out! 

Your gratitude journal will look perfect next to these comfy neutral layering pieces.

Brene Brown’s Atlas Of The Heart 

If you aren’t familiar with Brene Brown’s work yet… please do yourself a favor and order this beautiful book. Themes of connection and humanity tie together this journey through eighty-seven of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human.

Brown says herself, “I want this book to be an atlas for all of us, because I believe that, with an adventurous heart and the right maps, we can travel anywhere and never fear losing ourselves.”

A Holistic Approach To Self-Empowerment

Dr. Nicole LePera, creator of "the holistic psychologist," has helped millions of people develop a united philosophy of mental, physical and spiritual wellness. And now, she has produced a book to help you develop the interdisciplinary tools necessary to heal yourself and live a more authentic life.

books for self care sunday

A Beautiful Cookbook From The English Countryside

We love that cookbooks not only give you the tools to nourish yourself physically, but also give you a taste of a different lifestyle! Home Farm Cooking was created by a British architect and designer, which probably tells you all you need to know about the stunning photography included throughout. 

The combination of simple (yet delicious) meals with gorgeous spaces makes this a favorite at Ampersand Living! This cookbook speaks beautifully of food shared and enjoyed in a space designed for entertaining. 

self care gifts

A Perfect Cookbook For Travel Lovers

Ripe Figs: Recipes and Stories from Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus has it all! Gorgeous food photography, stunning landscapes, delectable recipes using ingredients from some of the richest cultures in the world, and heartfelt stories that will transport your senses. 

Not only is this an accessible cookbook that anyone can make meals with, it is also an inspiration for those who long to imagine a world without borders. 

the gift of self care

A First Class Ticket To Your Next Mental Vacation

Maybe your ultimate idea of self care is whisking yourself away on a relaxing retreat. Unfortunately, we can’t give that to you in this list. But we can offer you the next best thing! 

Escapology: Modern Cabins, Cottages and Retreats is a stunning collection of cabins and other getaways that give you a chance to escape and live in harmony with nature, far from the bustle of society. 

the gift of self care

Interior Design Coffee Table Book

Workstead: Interiors of Beauty and Necessity isn’t necessarily a coffee table book, but (trust us) you will want to put this beautiful collection of one-of-a-kind projects on display. The modern spaces reference early Americana, with the wood plank floors and vintage sensibility - but they also elicit a Scandinavian feel in their simplicity. Ultimately, every interior is something wholly unique, featuring custom furniture pieces and carefully curated accessories that tell a specific story. 

If your idea of self care is creating a beautiful home that reflects your style,

call Ampersand Living today

Check out our blog for design inspiration and more of our favorite things.